Review- Would Be Witch

Would-Be Witch - Kimberly Frost

I read Olga Godim's review of this book a couple days ago and realized it was in my read pile.


There was little to lift this book out of the pile of paranormal mystery/romance pile. Tammy Jo, our rather power challenged heroine, lives in a small Texas town with her mom and aunt  who are both (in)conveniently absent under mysterious circumstances. She also has a family ghost living in her pendant and an ex-husband who is a deputy and a nonbeliever in magic but he is her first love and their relationship is the most annoying thing in the whole book.


Good grief, he sent her to a psychiatrist for "believing" in magic and witchcraft and she still falls into bed with him at the drop of his gunbelt. He leaps into the fray every chance he can to save her because in his mind she's still his wife and maybe just a tad craycray with all that magic talk. Grrrrrr...


If we have absent family, an ex who doesn't understand her, then we also need the Handsome, Rich, Warlock who not only knows there is magic but is Hot For Her. There is also the animal sidekick, in this case an exotic cat.


Haven't we all been here before? Of course we have, many, many times.


Tammy Jo loses her family, her job, her pendant, and it looks like she might also lose her life if she can't summon some magic to find her pendant, chase off some werewolves, and undo a spell.


The only time(s) I thought about stopping were when Travis, the ex, swaggered onto the page. He stood out for being an obnoxious, sexist small town old boy even if he is in his twenties.


When I finished I decided not to read any more of the series, there wasn't anything that promised the next book would more interesting but I had bought not only book 1 but book 2 from Ebay. Of course book 2 had already arrived and I figured, why not?


It gets its own review.


Bottom line:  Nothing to hate but nothing that makes it a memorable read either.