EC, RWA, and an Absence of Royalties

Kelly Jamieson has posted something interesting about EC on FB. Take a look. Mastrantonio's claims are even more interesting because in the last several weeks authors have been saying their last check from EC was in either Dec. '15 or Jan. '16 for royalties due March '15. Then there was this last month:



Makes me wonder how accurate the direct sales book count is. I would never purchase a book direct from EC ever again, not solely because of this nonpayment mess but also because they managed to lose reader's libraries TWICE.  I lost mine the first time it happened and that coupled with their inexplicable sudden disappearances from the net was enough to convince me they were never safe, professional, or honest.


Last month when Engler/Black launched that little plea in the ss EC lost their security certificate and it took them 3 or 4 days (I believe) to get it back. In the meantime if you tried to access EC's website you got that warning message page and who would proceed to any site and buy anything from them? And why did it take them so long to get it back?


Engler/Black keeps crying about the number of book sales they are losing because of Amazon, because of authors, bloggers, and competitors "lying" about her  and her company but it took days for EC to get its shit together and recertify their site. So who is really ruining EC?